To:                   AMHB Members                   Date:                   July 12, 2000


From:                   Richard Rainery                   Phone:                   465-4765

                   Research Analyst


Subject:                   AMHB Meeting Agenda                   File: 6.5.5.A   


The Alaska Mental Health Board will meet via teleconference on from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 21, 2000.  To participate in the teleconference, call 800/315-6338 and enter 2642# when prompted.  Please contact me if you have questions concerning any of the specific agenda items.  The agenda follows.


Alaska Mental Health Board

July 21, 2000



9:30 a.m.                         Call to Order


                        Budget Committee Report

¨     FY 2002-03 GF/MH Operating Budget Increments (700-1)

¨      FY 2002-03 MHTAAR Innovative Projects (700-2)

¨      FY 2002-03 Capital Projects (700-3)



Motion: The AMHB adopts the Budget Committee’s FY 2002-03 budget recommendations as the AMHB recommendations to the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.


                        Letter to Governor in support of Opposition to ADA Challenge

¨      July 11, 2000 memo from Margo Waring to AMHB (700-4)

¨      June 21, 2000 letter from Susan Humphrey-Barnett to Governor Knowles (draft) (700-5)


                        DMHDD Legislative Audit – Support of DMHDD


11:00 a.m.                         Adjourn

