To establish a service and advocacy plan which maximizes the ability of mental health consumers to lead positive and productive lives within our society.
Guiding Principles for the Mental Health System under A Shared Vision II
1. Consumer Centered Services: Mental health consumers have a primary role in defining their individualized needs and have choices among services which address those needs.
2. Consumer Rights: Respect for consumer dignity and rights, including confidentiality and the unique cultural framework for each consumer, underlies all services.
3. Consumer Directed Policy Development: Consumers are actively involved in shaping policies and laws affecting persons experiencing mental illnesses.
4. Comprehensive System: Services which address fundamental life needs--such as housing, employment, education, health care, and transportation--are included in addition to comprehensive mental health services.
5. Integrative/Collaborative System: Consumers, family members, advocates, providers and government agencies work in partnership to integrate diverse services and minimize service barriers.
6. Strengths Perspective: Services incorporate and build upon the strengths of consumers, family members, friends and natural community supports.
7. Home and Community Focus: Services are provided as close to the consumer's home and community as possible, and local communities take active ownership in providing needed and least restrictive services.
8. Preventive Services: An emphasis on prevention and early intervention helps reduce the need for more intensive, crisis oriented services.
9. Outcome Based System: Consumer satisfaction and other measurable outcomes help define "success" and promote accountability for service providers.
10. Cost Effectiveness: Services are effectively managed to maximize resources, promote efficiency and minimize duplication.