Objective E: Expand community services to include more post release options.
Post incarceration treatment options do not include adequate day treatment, vocational rehabilitation, anger management, social skills development, substance abuse treatment, work options. etc. Lack of focused time and supervision often leads to repeat offenses and probation is less likely to be successful.
341. The Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and Department of Corrections will work with the Alaska Mental Health Board to request funds from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority for intensive daily activities for Anchorage mentally ill offenders released to the community, including anger management, social and living skills, mentally ill/chemical abuse treatment, sex offender treatment, vocational training and job placement. The program should be run by the community mental health center or in combination with Department of Corrections and Institutional Discharge Plus staff.
342. If this pilot project is successful, funds will be requested to replicate it in other communities.
Responsible party (actions 1-2): Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of Corrections, Alaska Mental Health Board