Action Plan

MH/DD/ILP Program Standards Site Review


Agency: REACH, Inc.              administrative services

Site Review Team Recommendation

Actions Planned by Agency

Implementation Date(s)



1.       Solicit and utilize consumer and family input into agency policy setting and program delivery.  Standard #12






Utilize consumer advisory groups to assist with policy setting and program delivery.


Utilize consumer surveys annually- next survey to be mailed in February 2002.









2.       Systematically involve consumers, staff and community in annual agency planning and evaluation of programs including feedback from current and past users about their satisfaction with the planning and delivery of services.  Standard #13










Utilize annual survey of consumers and community members.












3.       Develop annual goals and objectives in response to consumer, community and self-evaluation activities.  Standard #14










Based on survey funding and consumer advisory groups, administrative team will develop annual goals and objective with input from direct service staff to present Board for review and consideration.





June of every year

Site Review Team Recommendation

Actions Planned by Agency

Implementation Date(s)



4.       Develop an evaluation system that provides performance appraisal and feedback to the employee and an opportunity for employee feedback to the agency.  (Prior and current reviews; Standard #28)





Employees may be evaluated annually by their supervisor.

Evaluation will include a self-evaluation information from consumers (based on surveys & interviews, and feedback from supervisor.



June 2001



5.       Write a staff development plan annually for each professional and paraprofessional staff person.  (Prior and current reviews; Standard #29)





Staff will develop annual goals for self-development and identify training needs.



Included with evaluations as performed and as appropriate for the position.




6.       Institute a performance appraisal system that adheres to reasonably established timelines.  (Prior and current reviews; Standard #31)








Formal evaluation will be done at 6 months and maybe performed annually in accordance with agency Policies and Procedures at the discretion of supervisory staff.



7.       Institute a performance appraisal system that establishes goals and objectives for the period of appraisal.  (Prior and current reviews; Standard #32)







See above


Performance appraisal system is and has been in place since 1982; as required of all employers under DOL law.