Action Plan

MH/DD/ILP Program Standards Site Review


Agency: REACH, Inc.      Developmental Disabilities services

Site Review Team Recommendation

Actions Planned by Agency

Implementation Date(s)


1.  Refine the consumer grievance procedure; develop a means of informing consumers of the procedure regularly and post the policy.  (Prior review)


    See attached grievance procedure, which is a part of the

existing Reach manual.

Will include grievance procedure with the Intake packet, include a sign-off sheet.

Annual PCP meeting, review grievance

procedure with families.

Article in our newsletter pull out sheet; include specific contact names in newsletter.

This packet will be completed within 2/3 months.







2. Notify the public and consumers of Board meetings.  (Prior  review; Standard #8)





Newsletter calendar of events list board members in newsletter.







3. Continue to reduce staff turnover while improving screening for new hires.  (Standard #19)






Formalize interview process and include

consumers or family members (choose consumer who can actively participate in the decision making process).                                                                       Assure a meaningful selection process with multiple applicants.

Develop a formal training packet.                       Review process for all direct service staff; continue to work toward expanding salaries and benefits.

Mandatory pre-training of staff.                        Ongoing training topics will vary.

Two gatherings a year to meet staff agency wide.















Site Review Team Recommendation

Actions Planned by Agency

Implementation Date(s)



4.Clarify structure and roles especially in intake, care coordination and respite and communicate that information to all parties.







 Identified in new Intake packet, which will be distributed to existing families.



   Completion ¾ months.







5. Continue to develop more inclusive living arrangements and options to alleviate loneliness.









Use PCP as tool to identify brainstorm community supports.

Use varied tools to address options for community supports.

Network with other agencies.

Investigate online resources to learn about best practices.