Action Plan

MH/DD/ILP Program Standards Site Review


Agency: SOUND ALTERNATIVES          DD Services   11/00

Site Review Team Recommendation

Actions Planned by Agency

Implementation Date(s)



1.       Seek to educate all consumers regarding their rights, especially the use of the grievance policy.  (Prior review)




  1. Develop a poster outlining the Rights of and responsibilities of all consumers and post in Office Lobby.
  2. Develop a Poster outlining the Grievance policy and post in Lobby.
  3. Develop a more reader friendly brochure outlining the rights of all consumers and the Center’s Grievance Policy to be given to every consumer upon entry to the program and as requested.
  1. Posters to be developed by February 28, 2001 and posted immediately.
  2. Brochure to be developed by February 28, 2001 and given to all open cases immediately and all new cases from that point on.




2.       Develop a strategic plan for the expansion of DD services.  (DD)







The Advisory Board discussed the need for this strategic plan in the December Board Meeting (see attached Minutes).  The Director of the Center will be soliciting volunteers from the community, the Advisory Board, consumers, other providers and the Native Village of Eyak to from a Strategic Planning Committee. 

Committee to be formed January 2001.  Process completed by June 30, 2001.  Minutes of the meetings and Strategic plan to be sent as soon as completed.





3.       Document the informed consent of consumers at the initiation of service and revision of service plans.  (Standard #27)






1.  Policy regarding the signature of clients on all Treatment Plans (Service Agreements) is in place and is being enforced.  This item will be added to the quarterly QA and will be monitored for one year.

Process began in Fall of 2000.  Monitoring to begin in January of 2001.