Wrangell Community Services

January 25 - 27, 1999


Site Review Team Members:

John Havrilek, Facilitator

Tess Bensussen, Co-Facilitator

Jean Brown, Community Member

Beth LaCrosse, Alaska Mental Health Board Member

Susan Ohmer, Mental Health Service Provider

JoAnn Smith, D.D. Service Provider

Pam Miller, DMHDD, Quality Assurance Unit

Nancy Mathis, DMHDD, Quality Assurance Unit

Connie Greco, DMHDD, Quality Assurance Unit





This is a site review of Wrangell Community Services (WCS), funded by the State of Alaska, Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.  The services provided by the agency include: outpatient counseling, community support, psychiatric services, intensive rehabilitation, grief and loss therapy, domestic violence batterer’s program, peer helpers, treatment for seriously emotionally disturbed (SED) youth, family support program, school truancy services, teen media messages, teen center, parenting classes, supported employment, on-site assessment, job coaching, job development, case management, respite care, advocacy, care coordination, social services for long-term care, private pay coordination and smoking cessation classes.  The team interviewed approximately thirty-seven individuals including local agency representatives, consumers, parents, staff and board members.  Interviews lasted thirty to sixty minutes and were conducted primarily in person.


Wrangell Community Services serves approximately fifty-one individuals, 45 in the area of Mental Health, and six in the area of Developmental Disabilities.  This is its fourth site review since its inception in 1989.  Some recommendations were made at the last site review and many positive changes have occurred and are occurring to meet the changes and challenges in the Wrangell community.  WCS’s greatest strength is its creative, innovative prevention and intervention programs, and staff who are focused on meeting the needs of the community.


This report is based on the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Integrated Standards and Quality of Life Indicators.  Monitoring and reporting the quality of life and the quality of services for individuals and families makes an important contribution to the State of Alaska’s understanding of the effectiveness of program services and supports.  The review team’s findings are reported in the context of this report.  The findings include a review of the previous 1997 site review recommendations, administrative review, exemplary practices, areas of excellence and strengths, quality of life indicators, areas requiring response, suggestions, public comments and conclusion.




Program Response to Previous Action Plan


During the 1997 review of WCS DD programs, the review team made several recommendations.  Since then, the agency has taken the following actions:


·        Regarding the recommendation to write a mission statement and include it in the orientation packet, a DD mission statement has been written and is in the orientation packet. 

·        Regarding the recommendation to pursue significant consumer representation on the Board of Directors, the current Board makeup exceeds DMHDD standards for consumer representation (three of five Board members).

·        Regarding the recommendation that Board meetings be open to the public and advertised at least one week prior to meeting, this recommendation has not been met.  While Board meetings are open to the public, they are not advertised.   Again, the recommendation is that Board meetings are advertised at least one week prior to meeting.

·        Regarding the recommendation to establish a consumer evaluation survey, the survey was conducted in September, 1998.

·        Regarding the recommendation to conduct an agency self-evaluation, this recommendation has not yet been met; however, the process to develop such an evaluation has been started.

·        Regarding the recommendation to implement an annual review form, the form has been completed and implemented.

·        Regarding the recommendation to develop an annual survey of family satisfaction of services, this recommendation has been implemented.

·        Regarding the recommendation to implement a DFYS checklist in all home environments, this recommendation has been accomplished.

·        Regarding the recommendation to include service providers in the annual client planning process, progress has been made in this area but is implemented inconsistently at this time.  Further effort needs to be addressed to this area.

·        Regarding the recommendation to share long-term goals with the service provider, this recommendation has been implemented.



Administrative and Personnel Standards Narrative


WCS regularly meets or exceeds the majority of administrative and personnel standards.  The director, through his exceptional grant writing skills, has greatly expanded the scope of services offered to the Wrangell community.  WCS demonstrates exemplary ability to meet the comprehensive needs of the DD and MH consumers by its diversity of programming.  The drawbacks of this rapid program expansion, however, are twofold: 1) staff sometimes feel overwhelmed at the introduction of new programs before old programs are firmly established, and  2) staff sometimes feel disenfranchised (i.e. they are unaware of what programs are offered by their agency), and left out of the planning process.  These feelings were also echoed by some community members.  One way of addressing this disparity might be to include staff and community members in the development of an agency mission or value statement.  Another way to ease staff’s feelings of anxiety and disenfranchisement would be to involve staff in developing a system to revise and review job descriptions as new programs are developed and implemented, and to involve staff in the program development process.


Exemplary Practices


WCS sets itself apart from other small community service agencies by its ability to offer diverse and comprehensive programs to individuals and families requiring mental health or developmental disability services.  The director’s ability to provide program funding to eliminate service gaps in a community this size is outstanding.  Consumers are offered services in Wrangell which one would expect to find only in communities of a much larger size.  The WCS staff also deserves much of the credit for their ability to implement this comprehensive, flexible, service delivery system.



Areas of Excellence


1.  The agency provides comprehensive, flexible, service delivery.  Staff uses creative problem solving techniques to meet client needs.  Staff is able to provide a wide array of programs to meet consumer service needs.


2.  WCS consistently offers consumers choices of services and service providers, whenever possible.  Given the size of the staff and the community, WCS “bends over backward” to provide consumers a voice in the establishment of their own treatment plans.


3.  Staff are absolutely committed to accommodating the needs of their clients.  Repeatedly community members, consumers and collateral agency employees stated that staff were readily available to deal with crisis and collaborate with other agency providers.

            “Alice does whatever is needed at the hospital.”

            “Alice helps me with everything. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

      It was felt that help was available 24 hours a day, if needed.


4.  WCS has done an excellent job in promoting community acceptance of individuals experiencing various life challenges.  Through programs such as community support, supported employment, the teen center, assisted living homes and other social skills activities such as community potlucks, picnics and “Mental Health Awareness Month”, Wrangell is a very accommodating community for WCS consumers.

            “Consumers are productive and respected members of the community.  They         work, recreate, live and flourish in this community.”


5.  Services are provided in the least restrictive environment.  This agency and this town do an outstanding job in supporting people in an integrated, natural environment.

            “They place people before numbers.”

Quality of Life


This portion of the narrative refers to the Quality of Life Values and Outcome Indicators as they relate to the specific services offered by WCS.  The items listed below are those that the review team identified as strengths.  If the teams concluded that any of the indicators warranted improvement, they are listed in the Areas Requiring a Response section.


Choice and Self-Determination

The team identified the following strengths under the Choice/Self-determination for all people receiving services from WCS:

·        Consumers have choice and flexibility of who they wanted on their team and in developing their treatment plans.

·        Consumers are aware of their treatment goals.  Some consumers carry their plans with them and some had them taped to their walls.

·        Consumers and families are given choice of types and frequency of services.

·        Even though the population of Wrangell has dropped, more service hours are being delivered to the community.

            “This is the first place they let me have my own feelings”

            “They have a lot to offer people and don’t seem to force anything on anyone”

            “WCS doesn’t make me do things.  I can say ‘no’”

            “They offer so many different services to people”

            “WCS excels at creative problem solving so it can give a client options, ones that

              will fit them”


Dignity, Respect and Rights

The team identified the following strengths under Dignity, Respect and Rights for all people receiving services from WCS:

·        Staff functions with a high level of respect and regard for consumers

·        Staff consistently attempts to put client needs as their foremost goal

            “I trust Mark with my life”

            “Sondra respects my dignity and rights”

            “He really listens to get a sense of what’s going on, what’s needed for me”

            “They respect clients as people”

            “Their approach is to put clients first”

            “Our therapist, Sondra, has really brought us together as a team”


Health, Safety and Security

The team identified the following strengths under Health, Safety and Security for all people receiving services from WCS:

·        Within a moments notice someone from WCS can be available to intervene in a crisis situation

·        Most clients reported feeling safe

·        WCS has excellent communication with family and health care professionals

·        All DD staff are trained in CPR and first aid

            “Alice saved a comatose patient”

            “People here go the extra mile.  Alice does it all the time”

            “WCS intervened with the furnace keep my family safe”

            “At a moments notice they’re here”

            “When we call they always come - no exceptions”

            “If I skip a therapy session, Sondra always calls to make sure I’m okay”

            “Some people are in danger of suicide and WCS catches them before they do

               anything drastic”



The team identified the following strengths under Relationships for all people receiving services from WCS:

·        Consumers are treated in the least restrictive environment

·        Consumers maintain relationships with family and friends

·        Consumers have opportunities to meet new people

·        Social skills and social relationships are strongly encouraged and supported by WCS treatment providers

·        Consumers and families are well connected to natural supports

·        This agency and this town do outstanding jobs in supporting people in an integrated, natural environment

·        Every consumer interviewed by the team was living in a home or community-based living situation

            “They encourage me to go out with people”

            “They’re good about encouraging them to go out and do things”

            “My daughter loves her art group”


Community Participation

The team identified the following strengths under Community Participation for all people receiving services from WCS:

·        Consumers are productive and valued members of the community

·        WCS staff use creative means to get consumers included in the community

·        Consumers have necessary accommodations to allow them to participate in community activities

·        WCS’s diverse programs such as teen center, activity group, parent support, job coaching, job development and others. promote community involvement and acceptance

·        WCS encourages other community groups to make use of their facility for various activities

            “They push you, in a nice way, to get out there”

            “I got to go to the Olympics”

            “My daughter works one day a week.  It makes her feel proud”

            “They do really well for the community.  If it weren’t for them we wouldn’t have

               a teen center now”

            “We all work together.  WCS is one of the puzzle pieces that makes everything fit together”



Areas Requiring a Response

The following recommendations were identified by the team as areas that need attention from the organization:

1.  Board meetings need to be accessible to the community and should be advertised at least one week in advance (repeated from previous review).

2.  Consistently include service providers in the individual’s/family’s goal planning process and document the inclusion of all team members present, including signatures.

3.  Include staff and community members in the development of an agency mission or value statement. (Admin. Standard #1)

4.  Involve staff in developing a system to revise job descriptions as new programs are developed and implemented. (Admin. Standard #20)

5.  Develop a uniform policy regarding information sharing between WCS and the hospital medical staff following crisis assessment.

6.  Individualize training for paraprofessionals before placing to work with MH /DD consumers.


Other Suggestions and Comments

The following are suggestions received by the team during the site review process:

1.  One consumer reported she did not know she had rights.  The team suggests that all consumers be given a copy of their rights at intake and that a signed copy of the rights be included in the client chart.

2.  One consumer reported a breach of confidentiality by a paraprofessional.  Confidentiality should be a subject for regular training and review, especially since Wrangell is such a small town and casual breaches of confidentiality are more likely to occur in this setting.

3.  The community expressed a need for more frequent psychological and psychiatric services.



File Review Summary

The DMHDD Quality Assurance Unit will present a separate report on the file review.



Public Comment

WCS scheduled the inaugural public comment meeting contained in the new review process.  The meeting was announced on the local radio station and via scanner.  One individual attended the meeting.  Issues presented by this individual were:

1.  Some individuals in the community will not seek services at WCS due to prior contact with clinical staff in a former position as DFYS social worker.

2.  Some community members do not feel safe at the new community service center due to the center’s response to a consumer who was involved with litigation with the hospital last year.


Since the issues presented were somewhat political in nature and not really under the control of WCS, the individual was encouraged to assist those disenfranchised consumers to empower themselves to feel more a part of the community services center by establishing a NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) support group in Wrangell.





The entire site review team would like to extend its sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for WCS’s hospitality and support during the site review.  We especially appreciate the agency volunteering to be the first to field test the new standards in a combined DD/MH review.  We know how time consuming and difficult it was to prepare for a process this comprehensive, and really appreciate all the efforts of Mark, Alice, Sondra, Gloria and the rest of the staff.


The site review team was very impressed with the quality and especially the quantity of services WCS provides.  WCS’s services and staff are outstanding, well respected and praised by most consumers and related service providers in Wrangell.  Keep up the great work!