[HELP] Bill Text


00                       CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 115(HES)                                                                    

01 "An Act relating to the definition of 'mental health professional' for certain mental                                   

02 health proceedings and treatments; relating to the services of certain medical                                          

03 professionals in civil proceedings for the commitment of certain intoxicated persons;                                   

04 allowing a physician assistant or advanced nurse practitioner to certify the need for                                   

05 emergency treatment as a result of intoxication; and providing for an effective date."                                  

06 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA:                                                                

07    * Section 1.  AS 47.30.915(11) is amended to read:                                                               

08                 (11)  "mental health professional" means a psychiatrist or physician                                    

09       who is licensed to practice in this state or employed by the federal government; a                                

10       clinical psychologist licensed by the state Board of Psychologist and Psychological                               

11       Associate Examiners; a psychological associate trained in clinical psychology and                                 

12       licensed by the Board of Psychologist and Psychological Associate Examiners; a                                    

13       registered nurse with a master's degree in psychiatric nursing, licensed by the State                             

01       Board of Nursing; a marital and family therapist licensed by the Board of Marital                             

02       and Family Therapy; a professional counselor licensed by the Board of                                         

03       Professional Counselors; and a clinical social worker licensed by the Board of                        

04       Social Work Examiners [WITH A MASTER'S DEGREE IN SOCIAL WORK AND                                              

05       SUBSTANTIAL EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF MENTAL ILLNESS];                                                           

06    * Sec. 2.  AS 47.37.180(b) is amended to read:                                                                     

07            (b)  The certifying physician, physician assistant, advanced nurse                                       

08       practitioner, spouse, guardian, or relative of the person to be committed, or any other                       

09       responsible person, may make a written application for commitment under this                                      

10       section, directed to the administrator of the approved public treatment facility.  The                            

11       application must state facts to support the need for emergency treatment and be                                   

12       accompanied by a physician's, physician assistant's, or advanced nurse                                        

13       practitioner's certificate supporting the need for emergency treatment and stating that                       

14       the physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner has examined the                           

15       person sought to be committed within two days before the certificate's date.                                      

16    * Sec. 3.  AS 47.37.180(f) is amended to read:                                                                     

17            (f)  A copy of the written application for commitment and of the physician's,                            

18       physician assistant's, or advanced nurse practitioner's certificate, and a written                            

19       explanation of the person's right to legal counsel, shall be given to the person within                           

20       24 hours after commitment by the administrator, who shall provide a reasonable                                    

21       opportunity for the person to consult with legal counsel.                                                         

22    * Sec. 4.  AS 47.37.190(a) is amended to read:                                                                     

23            (a)  A spouse or guardian, a relative, the certifying physician, physician                               

24       assistant, advanced nurse practitioner, or the administrator in charge of an approved                         

25       public treatment facility may petition the court for a 30-day involuntary commitment                              

26       order.  The petition must allege that the person is an alcoholic or drug abuser who (1)                           

27       has threatened, attempted to inflict, or inflicted physical harm on another and that                              

28       unless committed is likely to inflict physical harm on another; or (2) is incapacitated                           

29       by alcohol or drugs.  A refusal to undergo treatment does not constitute evidence of                              

30       lack of judgment as to the need for treatment.  The petition must be accompanied by a                             

31       certificate of a licensed physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse                                   

01       practitioner who has examined the person within two days before submission of the                             

02       petition, unless the person whose commitment is sought has refused to submit to a                                 

03       medical examination, in which case the fact of refusal must be alleged in the petition.                           

04       The certificate must set out the physician's findings of the examination in support of                        

05       the allegations of the petition.                                                                                  

06    * Sec. 5.  AS 47.37.200(a) is amended to read:                                                                     

07            (a)  At the hearing for a 30-day commitment required under AS 47.37.190(b),                                  

08       the court shall hear all relevant testimony, including, if possible, the testimony of at                          

09       least one person [LICENSED PHYSICIAN] who has examined the person whose                                       

10       commitment is sought under AS 47.37.180(b) or 47.37.190(a).  The person whose                                 

11       commitment is sought shall be present unless the court believes that being present is                             

12       likely to be injurious to the person, in which case the court may conduct the hearing                             

13       telephonically.  The court may examine the person in open court, or, if advisable,                                

14       examine the person out of court.  If the person has refused to be examined under                              

15       AS 47.37.180(b) or 47.37.190(a) [BY A LICENSED PHYSICIAN], the person shall                                   

16       be given an opportunity to request examination by a court-appointed licensed                                      

17       physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner.  If the person fails                          

18       to request a medical examination and there is sufficient evidence to believe that the                             

19       allegations of the petition are true, or, if the court believes that more medical evidence                        

20       is necessary, the court may issue a temporary order committing the person to a private                            

21       or public facility for a period of not more than five days for purposes of a diagnostic                           

22       examination.                                                                                                      

23    * Sec. 6.  This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).                                                

Bill Root:
Bobby Approved (v 3.2)

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