[HELP] Bill Text


00                       CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 135(HES)                                                                   

01 "An Act relating to mental health information and records; and providing for an                                         

02 effective date."                                                                                                        

03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA:                                                                

04    * Section 1.  AS 08.02 is amended by adding a new section to read:                                                 

05            Sec. 08.02.040.  Access to certain mental health information and records                                   

06       by the state.  (a)  Notwithstanding AS 08.29.200, AS 08.63.200, AS 08.86.200,                                   

07       AS 08.95.900, another provision of this title, or a regulation adopted under this title, a                        

08       licensee or an entity employing or contracting with a licensee may disclose                                       

09       confidential patient mental health information, communications, and records to the                                

10       Department of Health and Social Services when disclosure is authorized under                                      

11       AS 47.30.540, 47.30.590, 47.30.845, or AS 47.31.032.  Information, communications,                                

12       and records received by the Department of Health and Social Services under this                                   

13       section are confidential medical records of patients and are not open to public                                   

14       inspection and copying under AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.120.                                                            

01            (b)  In this section, "licensee" has the meaning given in AS 08.01.110.                                      

02    * Sec. 2.  AS 47.30.540(b) is amended to read:                                                                     

03            (b)  An entity designated by the department to receive money under                                           

04       AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620 shall ensure a broad base of community support as                                        

05       evidenced by a governing board reasonably representative of the professional, civic,                              

06       and citizen groups in the community and including persons with mental disorders or                                

07       family members of persons with mental disorders.  No more than two members, or 40                                 

08       percent of the membership, whichever is greater, may be providers of services under                               

09       the program.  In order to receive money [FUNDS] under AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620, a                             

10       local community entity shall agree [TO]                                                                           

11                 (1)  to give priority to mental health programs and services consistent                             

12       with the priorities set out in AS 47.30.056 and that provide the maximum services for                             

13       the least expenditure of money from the mental health trust settlement income                                     

14       account;                                                                                                          

15                 (2)  to furnish services through a qualified staff meeting reasonable                               

16       standards of experience and training;                                                                             

17                 (3)  to conform to a state cost accounting system  showing the true cost                            

18       of services rendered, collect fees for services according to a schedule based on an                               

19       analysis of reasonable ability to pay, and provide that a person may not be refused                               

20       services because of inability to pay for those services;                                                          

21                 (4)  to maintain adequate clinical and administrative records and                                   

22       furnish periodic reports to the department;                                                                       

23                 (5)  to furnish the authority and the department an annual report of the                            

24       preceding fiscal year, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the previous                               

25       year's programs and their costs; [AND]                                                                            

26                 (6)  to furnish the authority and the department satisfactory needs                                 

27       assessments for the population and area it serves and an annual update of a long-range                            

28       planning and budget statement that describes program goals for the coming year, the                               

29       steps and resources necessary to implement the goals, the projected means by which                                

30       these resources will be secured, and the procedures necessary to evaluate the program;                        

31                 (7)  to furnish the department with confidential and other                                          

01       information about recipients of services paid for, in whole or part, under                                    

02       AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620 and comply with regulations of the department                                        

03       regarding the submission of this information; and                                                             

04                 (8)  to notify the department immediately of emergency situations                                   

05       involving recipients of services paid for, in whole or in part, under AS 47.30.520 -                          

06       47.30.620 and comply with regulations of the department regarding this                                        

07       notification; for purposes of this paragraph, "emergency situations" include the                              

08       disappearance, injury, or death of a recipient.                                                               

09    * Sec. 3.  AS 47.30.590 is amended by adding a new subsection to read:                                             

10            (b)  Notwithstanding (a) of this section, the department is authorized to review,                            

11       obtain, and copy confidential and other records and information about the clients of                              

12       services requested or furnished under AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620 to evaluate                                        

13       compliance with those statutes.  The department may obtain the records and                                        

14       information regarding clients from the client or directly from an entity designated by                            

15       the department under AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620 that furnished those services.  Records                             

16       obtained by the department under this subsection are medical records, shall be handled                            

17       confidentially, and are exempt from public inspection and copying under                                           

18       AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.120.                                                                                         

19    * Sec. 4.  AS 47.30.845 is amended to read:                                                                        

20            Sec. 47.30.845.  Confidential records.  Information and records obtained in                                

21       the course of a screening investigation, evaluation, examination, or treatment are                                

22       confidential and are not public records, except as the requirements of a hearing under                            

23       AS 47.30.660 - 47.30.915 may necessitate a different procedure.  Information and                                  

24       records may be copied and disclosed under regulations established by the department                               

25       only to                                                                                                           

26                 (1)  a physician or a provider of health, mental health, or social and                                  

27       welfare services involved in caring for, treating, or rehabilitating the patient;                                 

28                 (2)  the patient or an individual to whom the patient has given written                                 

29       consent to have information disclosed;                                                                            

30                 (3)  a person authorized by a court order;                                                              

31                 (4)  a person doing research or maintaining health statistics [,] if the                                

01       anonymity of the patient is assured [,] and the facility recognizes the project as a bona                         

02       fide research or statistical undertaking;                                                                         

03                 (5)  the Department of Corrections in a case in which a prisoner                                        

04       confined to the state prison is a patient in the state hospital on authorized transfer                            

05       either by voluntary admission or by court order;                                                                  

06                 (6)  a governmental or law enforcement agency when necessary to                                         

07       secure the return of a patient who is on unauthorized absence from a facility where the                           

08       patient was undergoing evaluation or treatment;                                                                   

09                 (7)  a law enforcement agency when there is substantiated concern over                                  

10       imminent danger to the community by a presumed mentally ill person;                                           

11                 (8)  the department in a case in which services provided under                                      

12       AS 47.30.660 - 47.30.915 are paid for, in whole or in part, by the department or in                           

13       which a person has applied for or has received assistance from the department                                 

14       for those services.                                                                                           

15    * Sec. 5.  AS 47.31 is amended by adding a new section to read:                                                    

16            Sec. 47.31.032.  Access to records and information by the department.  The                                 

17       department is authorized to review, obtain, and copy confidential and other records                               

18       and information about the patients who were eligible for or were provided financial                               

19       assistance under this chapter to evaluate compliance with this chapter.  The                                      

20       department may obtain the records and information from the patient or directly from                               

21       the evaluation facility or the designated treatment facility.  Records obtained by the                            

22       department under this section are medical records, shall be handled confidentially, and                           

23       are exempt from public inspection and copying under AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.120.                                     

24    * Sec. 6.  Section 6, ch. 87, SLA 1999, is amended to read:                                                        

25            Sec. 6.  AS 47.31.005, 47.31.010, 47.31.015, 47.31.020, 47.31.025, 47.31.030,                                

26       47.31.032, 47.31.035, 47.31.900, and 47.31.990 are repealed.                                                  

27    * Sec. 7.  The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to                         

28 read:                                                                                                                   

29       DATA FROM PRIOR YEARS.  (a)  As a condition of receiving state money for state                                    

30 fiscal year 2002 under AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620, 47.30.660 - 47.30.915, or AS 47.31, the                                

31 entity eligible for the state money shall agree to furnish the Department of Health and Social                          

01 Services with confidential and other information about recipients of services paid for, in                              

02 whole or part, with state money during state fiscal years 2000 and 2001 under AS 47.30.520 -                            

03 47.30.620, 47.30.660 - 47.30.915, or AS 47.31.  The entities governed by this subsection shall                          

04 comply with regulations of the department regarding the submission of the information                                   

05 required under this subsection.                                                                                         

06       (b)  The department may review, obtain, and copy the information submitted under (a)                              

07 of this section.  The department may also obtain information of the type described in (a) of                            

08 this section from the patient who received the services described in (a) of this section and                            

09 review or copy that information.                                                                                        

10       (c)  Records and information obtained by the department under this section are                                    

11 medical records, shall be handled confidentially, and are exempt from public inspection and                             

12 copying under AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.120.  The records and information may be copied and                                  

13 disclosed under regulations established by the department only under the same circumstances                             

14 as provided for confidential records under AS 47.30.845, as amended by sec. 4 of this Act.                              

15       (d)  The department may review the information obtained under this section to                                     

16 evaluate compliance with the applicable statutes and grant contracts.  However, the                                     

17 department may not use the information furnished under this section to impose civil or                                  

18 administrative penalties for failure to comply with applicable statutes and contracts.  The                             

19 department may use the information to establish a database on which to base future                                      

20 management practices and to impose restrictions and conditions on use of state money in                                 

21 fiscal year 2002 and later.                                                                                             

22       (e)  In this section, "department" means the Department of Health and Social Services.                            

23    * Sec. 8.  This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).                                                

Bill Root:
Bobby Approved (v 3.2)

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