Attachment D
ACISP Budget Estimates:  Average of 80 clients served in total
Accumulatvie across all grantees
Personal Services FTE salary base Salary cost 30% F.B. Total cost
Personal Services Coordinator - Masters 2.0 55,000       110,000        33,000       143,000
Personal Services Coordinator - Bachelors 6.0 35,000       210,000        63,000       273,000
Psychiatrist (32 hrs/wk) 1.0 150,000       150,000        45,000       195,000
Registered Nurse 3.0 56,000       168,000        50,400       218,400
Vocational and Rehabilitation Specialist-Masters 1.0 50,000        50,000        15,000        65,000
Peer Specialist - Bachelors 2.0 35,000        70,000        21,000        91,000
Administrative assistant 1.5 29,000        43,500        13,050        56,550
Subtotal 16.5       801,500       240,450    1,041,950
Total FTE clinical positions 13.0  in addition to psychiatrist
Travel 5,000
    Mileage (50 mi./wk/FTE clinical staff, .31/mi.)          11,284
Facility (including utilities) 25,000
Supplies (2000/FTE) 33,000
Equipment (500/clinical FTE) 6,500
Other - Insurance (facility, auto, liability) 5,000
   Client services - discretionary ($2,500/client) 200,000
   Training (500/ FTE clinical positions)            6,500
Subtotal 287,284
Staff + other subtotal 1,329,234
Indirect Costs - 20% 265,847
Total Annual Cost      1,595,081 .
          Per day
Annual Total Per Person Per person
Total costs    1,595,081        19,939 55
Medicaid (60% of consumers eligible, averaging $50/day in eligible costs) 876,000        18,250 50
State share       352,152      7,336.50 20
Federal share       523,848    10,913.50 30
Medicare (15% of consumers eligible, averaging $55/day in eligible costs)       240,900        20,075 55
Remaining costs to be grant funded       478,181          5,977 17
Per person
15-month Grant Operation Period, April 1, 2000 - June 31, 2002 Total Per Person Per day
Total costs    1,992,758    24,909.48 55
Medicaid (60% of consumers eligible, averaging $50/day in eligible costs) 1,094,400 22800 50
State share       439,949 9166 20
Federal share       654,451 13634 30
Medicare (15% of consumers eligible, averaging $55/day in eligible costs)       300,960        25,080 55
Remaining costs - Grant funded       597,398          7,467 16
Medicaid Assumptions     Medicare Assumptions    
Average number of clients served/year 80 Average number of clients served/year 80
proportion clients eligible 0.6 proportion clients eligible 0.15
rate/day/eligible client 50   rate/day/eligible client             55