SAMPLE LETTER TO YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE (Date) Dear (the name of your U.S. Representative): I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor the Mental Illness Consumer-Run Services Support Act, which is soon to be introduced by Rep. Jim Greenwood (R-PA) and Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH). You may have already received a letter (or you soon will receive such a letter) from Rep. Greenwood and Rep. Kaptur asking you to co-sponsor this bill and another bill they are introducing, the Medicaid Intensive Community Mental Health Treatment Act. As one of your constituents who has been a recipient of mental health services, I am writing to add my voice to theirs. As I have worked toward recovery, I have found the self-help and peer-support movement of people who have psychiatric disabilities extremely helpful. The Mental Illness Consumer-Run Services Support Act addresses the extremely vital role that peer-support services play in the recovery process. It would authorize a modest grant program to foster the development of mental heath consumer-run services to help people handle and overcome mental illnesses by setting up 10 regional technical assistance centers that would aid in their development. (Here you may want to add something about how peer-support services have personally contributed to your recovery.) This is the first-ever legislation dealing specifically with the concept of self-help, a critical tool in the recovery of people who have mental illnesses. Please add your support to this growing recovery movement by becoming a co- sponsor of the Mental Illness Consumer-Run Services Act. Thank you very much. Sincerely, (Your Name) (Your Address) (Your Phone Number)