A Public In-patient Hospital Serving Alaska’s Community Mental Health System

2900 Providence Drive   Anchorage, AK  99508                             A Department of Health & Social Services Agency

Phone:  907-269-7100     Fax:  907-269-7251                      Division of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities






Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Room 3123



11:00 a.m.        A.        Call to Order                                                                            Yvonne Chase


11:35 a.m.        B.         Public Comment


11:40 a.m.        C.        Approval of the Minutes of the Dec. 18, 2001 Meeting Yvonne Chase


STANDING ISSUES:  (Permanent Agenda Items)


11: 45 a.m.       D.        Are there any Patient Care/QI/Potential                         Yvonne Chase

                                    Ethical Concerns?


11:50  a.m.       E.         Finance Officer’s Report                                            Carrie Strickland, CFO


a.       FY02 Budget


·        Operating Budget Projections

·        Capital Budget


b.      FY03 Proposed Budget


12:15 p.m.                    Luncheon Served


12:45 p.m.        F.         Medical Director’s Report                                            Nicholas Kletti, M.D. 


a.       Discussion of Census Concerns

b.      WAMI Student Report

c.       Role Recovery Training Status Report






Page 2 – Governing Body Meeting Agenda – March 26, 2002




1:15  p.m.         G.        HIMS Performance Indicators                                       Randall Burns



1:30 p.m.          H.        API Replacement Project – Update                                            Mark Welker



2:00 p.m.          I.          Community Mental Health Project                                                      Tim Chu


·        Focus on SPE Workgroup


2:30 p.m.          J.          Quality Improvement                                                                    Pat Ventgen


2:45 p.m.          K.        Team Reports                                        Randall Burns



2:55 p.m.          L.         Set Date and Time for Next Meeting                                        Yvonne Chase


3:00 p.m.          M.        Adjourn                                                                                                  


Upcoming Meetings/Events Of Note:


·        Rural Health Conference                April 25 & 26th

·        Mental Health Consumers Conference  May 2 & 3rd
