A Public In-patient Hospital Serving Alaska’s Community Mental Health System

2900 Providence Drive   Anchorage, AK  99508                             A Department of Health & Social Services Agency

Phone:  907-269-7100     Fax:  907-269-7251                      Division of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities







October 16, 2001

Room 3123



9:00 a.m.          Meet at ANMC for Hospital Tour                                                         Helen Andon



10:30 a.m.        A.        Call to Order                                                                            Yvonne Chase

                                    Welcome and Introduction of New Member Aleen Smith


10:35 a.m.        B.         Public Comment


10:50 a.m.        C.        Approval of the Minutes of the July 27, 2001 Meeting   Yvonne Chase

and the August  21, 2001 Teleconference                          


STANDING ISSUES:  (Permanent Agenda Items)


11: 00 a.m.       D.        Are there any Patient Care/QI/Potential                         Yvonne Chase

                                    Ethical Concerns?


11:15  a.m.       E.         Finance Officer’s Report                                            Carrie Strickland, CFO


a.       FY02 Budget


·        Operating Budget Projections

·        Capital Budget


b.      FY03 Proposed Budget


11:30 a.m.        F.         Medical Director’s Report                                            Nicholas Kletti, M.D. 


a.       Introduction of Drs. Frank Rundle and Leo Ingle

b.      Discussion of Census Concerns

c.       WAMI Student Report

d.      Role Recovery Training Status Report


12:00 Noon      Luncheon Served





Page 2 – Governing Body Meeting Agenda – October 16, 2001




12:15  p.m.       G.        HIMS Performance Indicators                                       Randall Burns


·        API Population Snapshot


12:30 p.m.        H.        API Replacement Project – Update                                            Mark Welker



1:15 p.m.          I.          Community Mental Health Project                                                      Tim Chu


·        Focus on SPE Workgroup


1:45 p.m.          J.          Quality Improvement                                                                    Pat Ventgen


2:00 p.m.          J.          Risk Management Team Reports                                               Randall Burns



2:55 p.m.          K.        Set Date and Time for Next Meeting                                        Yvonne Chase


3:00 p.m.          L.         Adjourn                                                                                                  


Upcoming Meetings/Events Of Note:


·        API Competency Fair, October 24 – 30

·        Dr. Virginia Knight, November 6-8 (cancelled)

·        Hospital Tours for API Replacement Project, November 5 - 9

·        API Replacement Project - Corlette Orr, November 13 - 19

·        Role Recovery,  November 13-16

·        Thanksgiving Day, November 27

·        API Replacement Project – Corlette Orr, December 11 - 17

·        Role Recovery, December 10-14

·        Christmas, Tuesday, December 25

·        NEW YEAR’S DAY, January 1, 2002