A Public In-patient Hospital Serving Alaska’s Community Mental Health System

2900 Providence Drive   Anchorage, AK  99508                          A Department of Health & Social Services Agency

Phone:  907-269-7100     Fax:  907-269-7251                   Division of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities






Friday, June 23, 2000

8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Please Note: A working lunch will be served at 11:30 am.


Location: The Governing Body Conference Room,  Room 2192

Second Floor – API



8:30 a.m.            A.              Call to Order & Welcome                                             Yvonne Chase, MSW

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Governing Body Chair


8:35 a.m.                        B.                          Public Comment                                                                                                                                Yvonne Chase


9:00 a.m.            C.              Approval of the Minutes of the February 18, 2000             Yvonne Chase

and April 21, 2000 Teleconference                            




9:15 a.m.            D.            Introduction of New Governing Body Members                    Yvonne Chase

                                    Whose Appointments Take Effect July 1, 2000


STANDING ISSUES:  (Permanent Agenda Items)


9:2 a.m.            E.              Are there any Patient Care/QI/Potential                             Yvonne Chase

                                    Ethical Concerns?


9:35 a.m.            F.              Finance Officer’s Report                                   Carrie Strickland, MBA, CPA

                                                                                                            API’s Chief Financial Officer


                                    FY00 Year-End Budget Update &

                                    Brief Review of the FY01 Approved Budget


10:00 a.m.            G.            Medical Director’s Report                                                   Terry Osback, M.D.




Page Two – Agenda for the June 23, 2000 Meeting of the Governing Body



10:15 a.m.            H.            Quality Council Reports


1.            Hospital Data/Indicators           


                                    a.  HIMS Data                                                                     Doreen Booth, ART

                                    b.  ORYX Data                                                            Jeanne Worachek                                            c.  Other Data Efforts                                                     Randall Burns, M.S.


                                    2.  Quality Council Actions                                                      Paul Ortner, R.N.


10:45 a.m.            Break




11:00 a.m.            J.             New Member Orientation


11:00 a.m.                        1.  History of Governing Body Leadership at API                                              Nettie Scott, MSW


                        a.  Changing Role of the GB

                        b.  Roles of Alaska Mental Health Board (AMHB) and

                                                the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority


11:20 a.m.            2.  Structure and Relationship of GB to the DHSS             Karl Brimner, M.Ed.                                      DHSS Commissioner


11:30 a.m.            Break for Working Lunch – Orientation Continues During Lunch


11:45 a.m.            3.  Organization of API                                                             Randall Burns


            a.  Overall Administrative Organization/Function   

                        b.  Functional Organization for Performance Improvement                    


12:15 p.m.            4. Patient Rights                                                                        David Frain, Chaplain


                        a.  Patient Rights and Responsibilities

                        b.  Patient Complaint Monitor

                        c.  Patient Rights and Ethics Committee


12:45 p.m.            5.  Consumer Participation


                        a.  Patient Perspective on Treatment                                                                Consumer

                        b.  Disability Law Center                                                         Elizabeth Keating

                        c.  Role Recovery Approach Training                                     Nicholas Kletti, M.D.

                                                                                                                       & Laura Bowers, MPS


Page Three – Agenda for the June 23,2000 Meeting of the Governing Body




1:30 p.m.            6.  Treatment Teams


                        a. What happens in Treatment Team                                           Terry Osback, M.D.

                        b. What is the Clinical Focus/Approach of API’s Treatment      Dr. Nicholas Kletti

                        c. Discharge Planning                                                                         Kate Gressens, MSW


2:00 p.m.            7.  Review Agencies                                                                                  Randall Burns


                        a.  HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration)

                        b.  JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations)

                        c.  DHSS’ Division of Medical Assistance,

                                    Section on Certification and Licensing

                        d.  PERC (AMHB’s Performance Evaluation Review Committee)

                        e.  (DMH&DD Inpatient Review Standards


2:30 p.m.            8.  Seclusion & Restraint                                                                         Paul Ortner

                                    Policies and Procedures


3:00 p.m.            9.  Community Mental Health/API 2000 Project                            Randall Burns                                                                                                                                                                      Loren Jones


3:30 p.m.            10.  Visioning:                                                                   Yvonne Chase and all

                               The Governing Body and its Future                              New, Retiring, and

                                                                                                                                                Continuing Governing Body





4:00 p.m.            K.            Set Date and Time for Next Meeting                                  Yvonne Chase


4:10 p.m.            L.             Adjourn




4:15 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Brief Reception for Departing Governing Body Members

Coffee, Tea, Punch and Cake and Cookies Provided