Governor’s Committee on Employment and
Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities
Anchorage, Alaska
October 24 – 26, 2001
Sheraton Hotel, Josephine

The majority of Committee members are due to arrive the evening of the 23rd. Support staff from Juneau will be arriving at approximately 930 PM

Traveling Members are registered to reside at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel 401 E.6th Ave. Telephone 276-8700. One rental van will be provided for the Committee.

900 a.m. Full Committee meeting begins in Anchorage

Call to order
Roll call
Approval of minutes
Adoption of Agenda
Treasurer’s Report

930 – 1000 Director’s Report,

Duane French

1000 – 1030 Old Business

Posters, (Denny)
Small Banner, (Denny)

New Business

WIA Conference, (Denny & Velja)
Order of Selection, (Denny & Pam)
Awards Ceremony, (Larry)

1030 – 1130 Review Strategic Plan

1200 – 100 Lunch

100 – 200 Report Progress on Annual FY 01 Goals

200 – 345 VR Manager’s Report

Macrina Fazio, Anchorage-Eagle River Region
Duane Mayes, Bragaw Region
Russ Cusack, Assistant Chief VR
Dave Quisenberry, Chief VR
Mark Dale, Admin Manager
Gale Sinnott, Program Coordinator
Don Brandon, ADA Coordinator

345 – 400 Break, Set up for Public Testimony (Jointly with Governor’s Council)

400 – 500 Public Testimony Teleconference # 1-800-315-6338, Ext. 468

October 25, 2001
Anchorage, Alaska
Sheraton Hotel, Josephine’s

830 Call to order

Sub-Committee Meetings

845 – 1045 Employment Committee Evaluation Committee

Denny Macom, Chair Pam Stratton, Chair
Jack Busteed Jackie Bisbee
Larry Hintz Kathy Privratsky
JoAnn McDonald Reuben Mixsooke
Jim Shine

Planning & Resource

Ruth L’Hommedieu, Chair
Tim Weiss
Paula Harrison

1045 – 1100 Break

1100 – 1200 Committee Reports

1200 – 100 Lunch

100 – 200 Executive Committee

200 – 400 Set up for Awards Ceremony

400 – 600 Awards Ceremony, Howard Rock Ballroom 2nd floor

October 26, 2001
Anchorage, AK
Sheraton Hotel, Josephine Room


830 Call to order

845 – 915 Review of 3 year calendar

915 – 1015 121 Tribal VR Program’s presentation & update

Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Karen Gonne-Harrell
Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Len White Bear
Tanana Chiefs, Jackie Bisbee

1015 – 1030 Break

1030 - 1040 CAP Annual Report, Pam

1040 – 1100 Results, CRP Needs Assessment, Velja

1100 – 1200 Annual Report, discuss goals for the new Federal FY 02

1200 – 100 Lunch

100 – 130 Alaska Center for the Blind, Jim King, Executive Director

130 – 200 Alaska Works/BLN update, Heidi Frost

200 – 300 Open discussion

300 – 315 Break

315 – 415 Executive Committee

415 Adjourn