A Public In-patient Hospital Serving Alaska’s Community Mental Health System

2900 Providence Drive   Anchorage, AK  99508                          A Department of Health & Social Services Agency

Phone:  907-269-7100     Fax:  907-269-7251                   Division of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities







Friday, February 18, 2000

8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


A working luncheon will be served at 11:30 am.


Location:  API Nelson G. Page Conference Room, Room 3123



8:30 a.m.            A.              Call to Order & Welcome                                                          Yvonne Chase              

8:35 a.m.                        B.                          Public Comment                                                                                                                                 Yvonne Chase




9:00  a.m.            C.            Proposed Governing Body Bylaw Changes                                   Nettie Scott 


                        D.            Plan for Recruitment of Public Members                                  Yvonne Chase

                                                                                                                                     Randall Burns


                        E.            Plan for Training of New Members                                     Yvonne Chase


STANDING ISSUES:            Permanent Agenda Items


10:00 a.m.            F.              Are there any Patient Care/QI/Potential Ethical Concerns?            Yvonne Chase


10:10 a.m.            G.              Finance Officer’s Report                                              Carrie Strickland

                                    Budget (FY00/FY01)


10:30 a.m.            H.            Medical Director’s Report                                              Dr. Terry Osback

                                    Introduction of Dr. Judith Bautista


11:00 a.m.            I.            Patient Rights and Ethics Team Report              Chaplain David Frain





Governing Body Agenda - February 18, 2000

Page Two




11:30 a.m.            Break for Lunch


11:45 p.m            J.            Hospital Data/Indicators                                                 Doreen Booth


12:00 Noon            K.             ORYX & Utah’s HR and E-chart Systems                                  Steve Schneider


12:15 p.m.            K.            Charter North Purchase Status Report                            Randall Burns

  Mark Welker


12:30 p.m.            L.            Community Mental Health/API 2000 Project                    Loren Jones

                                    A Full Briefing on the Status of the Project                        Kathy Carssow


1:15 p.m.            M.            API’s New Admitting Unit – Impact on Hospital Census Randall Burns

                                    & Recommendations from API’s Experience                     Terry Osback


2:00 p.m.                                 Strategic Planning Session to discuss the API 2000/Community Mental

                                                Health Project’s work and implementation plans as they are evolving and

                                                how those evolving plans presently do and will impact API’s continuing

                                                operations and staffing and its planning for the downsized facility and its

                                                treatment programs.   


4:00 p.m.                        N.                        Quality Council and Environment of Care Team Reports                Pat Ventgen

                                                Introduction of Paul Ortner, QI Assistant                                                            Mark Welker

                                                Introduction of Mark Doughty, API Safety Officer


4:30 p.m.            Q.            Agenda for Next Meeting and Adjournment                            Yvonne Chase