FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, GOVERNOR                                                                                431 N. Franklin, Suite 200

STATE OF ALASKA                                                                                                                          Juneau, Alaska  99801

                                                                                                                                                                Office: (907) 465-3071

                                                                                                                                                                    Fax: (907) 465-3079


November 5, 2004


Friends and Colleagues:

The Alaska Mental Health Board will meet December 9-10, 2004 at the Frontier Building in Anchorage.  The draft agenda contains the meeting schedule and will be available online at soon.  Meeting highlights will include:

¨      A December 9 panel discussion of the history and purpose of the Alaska Mental Health Trust.

¨      A consumer forum the evening of December 9 (tentative).

¨      Portions of the meeting will be jointly held with the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, including addressing shared and individual advocacy goals and programs.

¨      Public comment sessions take place 3:15 p.m., December 9 and 1:15 p.m., December. 10.

¨      The five boards representing Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries meet the evening of December 9 to discuss issues of mutual concern (tentative).

Most of AMHB committee meetings will take place via teleconference prior to the board meeting – please check online for the committee meeting schedule at:


We again ask agencies (with limited exceptions) to provide written reports to the Board rather than oral reports at the meeting.  The details of our agenda may change somewhat as the meeting nears.  We ask for your understanding and flexibility concerning such changes.

The Board encourages and appreciates your interest in mental health in Alaska and your involvement during this time of transition. We invite you to attend all or part of the AMHB meeting and related activities.




Richard Rainery

Richard Rainery

Executive Director