A teleconference hosted by National Empowerment Center West
Thursday, April 5 at 5:30 pm Pacific Standard Time

Should a mental health system be run by people who have experienced
distress or be a way to maintain the gains people make?
Why is it important for consumers to take control of their lives?
What is this problem called mental illness?

Dan Fisher from the National Empowerment Center will join on the call.
Consumers who would like to participate in the teleconference, please call
1-888-746-4463 PIN 9378 on Tuesday, April 3 to sign up. The
teleconference will be limited to 20 callers.

Carol Patterson, NEC-West Facilitator
C/O ILRC, 649 Mission 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA
94105 email: necwest@earrthlink.net