A Public In-patient Hospital Serving Alaska’s Community Mental Health System

2900 Providence Drive   Anchorage, AK  99508                          A Department of Health & Social Services Agency

Phone:  907-269-7100     Fax:  907-269-7251                   Division of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities






Friday, February 2, 2001  10: 00 AM



10:00 a.m.            A.              Call to Order & Welcome                                                           Yvonne Chase


10:10 am                        B.                         Public Comment


10:35 a.m.            C.              Approval of the Minutes of the December 18, 2000                Yvonne Chase

Special Teleconferenced Meeting                            




10:40 a.m.            D.            Update on Governing Body Vacancy                                      Randall Burns


STANDING ISSUES:  (Permanent Agenda Items)


10:50 a.m.            E.              Are there any Patient Care/QI/Potential                                 Yvonne Chase

                                    Ethical Concerns?


11:00  a.m.            F.              Finance Officer’s Report:                                              Carrie Strickland, CFO


a.   Review Year-to-Date FY01 Expenditures

                                    b.   Increases in Salaries for R.N.’s/PNA’s

c.       FY02 Budget:  The Good, the Bad, the Ugly


11:30 a.m.            G.            Medical Director’s Report                                      Nicholas Kletti, M.D.   


a.       Formal Appointment of Locum Tenens (Drs. Osback and Rundle) to the Medical Staff

b.      Recruitment Efforts for Permanent Psychiatrist:  Upcoming Interviews, Brief Review of CVs

c.       Upcoming Changes in Seclusion and Restraint Guidelines     

d.      Role Recovery Update


12:15 p.m.                    Luncheon Served


12:20 p.m.            H.            HIMS Performance Indicators                                              Doreen Booth





Page 2 – Governing Body Meeting Agenda – February 2, 2001




12:45 p.m.            I.            ORYX Data                                                                        Jeanne Worachek


                                    a.  Monthly Report

b.      Seclusion and Restraint Data


1:00 p.m.            J.            API Replacement Project – Update                                     Randall Burns

                                    Community Mental Health/API 2000 Project Update     Loren Jones


1:45 p.m.      K.      Environment of Care/Safety/Infection Control Report    Mark Welker


a.  Year 2000 Performance Indicator Highlights

                                    b.  Year 2000 Accomplishments

                                    c.  Year 2001 Plans


2:00 p.m.      L.  Quality Council Report                                      Pat Ventgen


a.       Dr. Knight Visits for 2001

b.      Plan of Correction

c.       QI Plan for FY02 Strategic Plan

d.      Governing Body Members on API Functional Teams


2:30 p.m.      M. Risk Management Team Report                            Randall Burns


2:55 p.m.            N.              Set Date and Time for Next Meeting                                                Yvonne Chase


3:00 p.m.            O.             Adjourn                                                                                                


Upcoming Meetings/Events Of Note:


·        Trust Authority Meeting (Juneau):  February 15 - 16

·        President’s Day, Monday, February 19 (State Holiday)

·        Dr. Virginia Knight - First Visit for 2001:  February 27 – March 1

·        NASMHPD 2nd National Summit of State Psychiatric Hospitals (Alexandria, VA):  March 18 – 20, 2001 (Randall attending; on leave thereafter)

·        Bridges Campaign (Juneau):  March 21 & 22

·        AMHB Meeting (Juneau):  March 23 – 24

·        Seward’s Day, Monday, March 26 (State Holiday)

·        State of Utah Demonstration of the “E-Chart”:  April 9 – 13 (Clinical Staff)

·        Good Friday:  April 13