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Now Hiring Staff for the Computer Connection Clubhouse

The Alaska Mental Health Consumer Web (http://akmhcweb.org/), a peer operated non-profit organization, is seeking  Consumer Computer Specialists, Peer Mentors, and an Administrative Assistant to staff its Consumer Computer Connection and Clubhouse. The Consumer Computer Specialists must have sufficient skills to help consumers at the Clubhouse learn computer skills. The Peer Mentors will provide peer support, such as self-help and role modeling for recovery, support for coordination of services and navigation of Alaska's mental health system, including acting as advocates with consumers. There may be overlap between the duties of the Consumer Computer Specialists and the Peer Mentors.  The Administrative Assistant provides support for administrative matters for the organization, such as record keeping and reports to the President. The pay rate for these positions is $12.50 per hour.

Applicants should send a letter of interest and resume, which includes a description of the applicant's experience with the mental health system in Alaska or elsewhere, to Katsumi Kenaston, President, Alaska Mental Health Consumer Web, 619 E 5th Avenue, Suite 212, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, or via e-mail to katsumi@akmhcweb.org

posted 2/25/2001