Mental Health Consumer Writings

Consumer Articles on Recovery Consumer-Survivor Essays, Speeches, Poems, Books
Loose Thread is a very well put together "journal is for all those who have passed through the doors of psychiatry and have a story to tell."
A Poem by Dorothy W. Dundas Mania as Spiritual Emergency, a personal account by Edward Whitney, MD, Psychiatric Services,  December 1998 Vol. 49 No. 12
Why I am not a Consumer by David Romprey
The Need for Choice in the Mental Health System, By Denise Fletcher hearing voices by Morgan W. Brown
Forced vs. Voluntary Treatment, by Denise Fletcher Psychiatric Survivor by Denise Fletcher
Freedom by Irit Shimrat Stigma is Social Death by Deborah Reidy (1993)
Julie Leibrich
  • Making Space, Spirituality and Mental Health, The Mary Hemingway Rees Memorial Lecture World Assembly for Mental Health Vancouver, July 2001  and Part I of a two-part invited presentation at the National Conference on Spirituality and Mental Health Melbourne, 29 &30 March 2004.
  • Standing Still: Spirituality and Sense, Part II of a two-part invited presentation at the National Conference on Spirituality and Mental Health Melbourne, 29 &30 March 2004.
Professional Perspectives Regarding the Merit of the Role of the Consumer Specialist and the Responsibility Group, By Randy Starr
How Drugs Destroyed Psychiatry, by Nathaniel S. Lehrman, M.D.
A Successful Reintegration into the Community: One NGRI Acquittee's Story By Randy Starr
Sandwich Therapy, by Pat Risser
Rae Says:  an interview with Rae Unzickerby Lucy Gwin
The Criteria of What Works and for Whom Part I by Sue Poole Absolute Care, by Sue Poole
The Criteria of What Works and for Whom Part II by Sue Poole  Testimony of Leonard Roy Frank
I'm Med Free, But Some People Don't Want to Be by Reece Sanders Walking the Shamans Path: Not Schizophrenia, But Acute Sensitive by Odette Nightsky
Notes on the 10th Triptych Convention, "Two Sides of Psychosis" by Mira DeVries Five Lobe Circus, by Alan Cabal,, May 18, 2004
Poems by Kim Gianos, Supermom Theory for the Liberation of the Psychiatrically Labeled  by Allan Hunter
See CineMania: Erasing the Stigma, by David Gonzalez The Diagnosis Myth, by Eric Shapiro
Felicia The Usual Things by Kalevi Rinne
Unhinged Mind by Bill Nordahl Poems by Martin Felker
Peer Support: A Theoretical Perspective by Mead, Shery, M.S.W., Hilton, David, M.A., Curtis, Laurie, M.A. (PDF)
The Client Voice from Pat Risser's Website Who is Pat Risser?
We've Been Misled by the Drug Industry, By Daniel B. Fisher
It’s Time For a New Paradigm, by Sylvia Caras, PhD

The Myriad Works of Paul William Engholm

The Mentally Ill of America: "A People in Bondage" by Tom Barresi
I am an Eagle by Nils Riis. PsychoMuses by Bill

1st Person is a magazine devoted to giving accounts, opinion and artwork from the perspectives of people who have had mental health conditions, rather than from the professional point of view

To Be a Mental Patient, a poem by Rae Unzicker The Trouble with Pact:  Questioning the Increasing Use of Assertive Community Treatment Teams in Community Mental Health, by Patricial Spindel and Jo Anne Nugent.
Treatment at Westborough State Hospital
CHOICES - Consumers Having Ownership In Creating Effective Services. by Jim Gottstein The Peer/Self-Advocacy Training Manual
  The Fountain House in Manhattan is dedicated to the recovery of men and women with mental illness by providing opportunities for members to live, work, and learn, while contributing their talents through a community of mutual support.
The Power of One: Positive Affirmations A Light to Brighten The Path

"The prevalence of abuse histories in the mental health system" from the  National Association of Consumer/Survivor Mental Health Administrators which represents state mental health department senior managers who are current or former recipients of mental health services.

Three articles by Les Mitchell, New Zealand Consumer Advisor:
Mental Health Services for "Difficult" customers
by Scot Wheat
Good Enough For Rhoda Torrey, Good Enough For Me? by Vicki Fox Wieselthier
Personal experiences with our Paid Friends.
By Scot L. Wheat
From Privileges to Rights: People Labeled with Psychiatric Disabilities Speak for Themselves
Through the Eyes of a Stranger  by Micheal G. Spennato Breakin' Trail
Jails: A Less Restrictive Alternative? Steven Honig:  I Found My Place
Hoppin on the Bandwagon The Saucers Have Landed
A Letter to My Psychiatrist Intake, Intook, Taken In
A Consumer Member's Report on Alaska Mental Health Board Issues by Jim Gottstein A Story of My Mental Illness
National Research and Training Center The Schizoaffective Coaster by Brian Benson
Meeting Reports Consumer Reports
API 2000: Time to Reconsider? by Jim Gottstein


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last modified 2/28/2008